Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Mentor Jutawan - Irfan Khairi, Dr Fadzillah Kamsah, Azizi Ali, Chef Li and More - 8 Malaysian Millionaire Icons

Are you struggling to find an answer to becoming a millionaire? According to Alex Mandossian in a recorded teleshow with T. Harv Eker, you need to get a mentor. Model a millionaire mentor’s mindset and behavior to accelerate your millionaire mindset transformation.

Finding it hard to find a reliable mentor? How about 8 mentors?

Mentor Jutawan Irfan Khairi

Malaysia’s very own Internet Millionaire, Dr Irfan Khairi, recently produced an ebook titled “Mentor Jutawan Bersama Irfan Khairi” (Millionaire Mentor with Irfan Khairi). Mentor Jutawan exposes the mindset of Malaysia’s Millionaire Icons - 8 of them:

  • Dato’ Dr Fadzilah Kamsah - A mentor’s mentor!
  • Azizi Ali - Millionaire Coach
  • Chef Li (Dato’ Dr Rusly) - Silent Millionaire
  • Dato’ Dr Azman Ching - MLM Millionaire
  • Billi Lim - Dare to Fail Millionaire
  • Dato’ Hussamuddin - Kumpulan Karangkraf founder
  • Abang Abu - Entrepreneur/Motivator/Millionaire from Singapore
  • Irfan Khairi - Internet Millionaire

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